General Conditions relating to the protection of privacy and personnal data

Lawyers are subject to professional secrecy and to Belgian and European regulations on the protection of privacy and personal data.

The processing of personal data is carried out under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (hereinafter referred to as "GDPR"), as well as under the Belgian law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy with regard to the processing of personal data.

Each lawyer, or, as the case may be, the SPRL in the form of which he/she carries out his/her activities, must be considered as the controller, within the meaning of the GDPR, vis-à-vis his/her own clients. The contact details of the lawyers are as follows:

  1. SPRL LEBUTTE, avocat
    BCE n° 0473.969.219
    Avenue du Roi, 206 à 1190 Bruxelles
  2. SPRL Muriel GILLET
    BCE n° 0890.505.629
    Avenue du Roi, 206 à 1190 Bruxelles
    BCE n° 0897.095.293
    Avenue du Roi, 206 à 1190 Bruxelles
  4. Madame Lucile BAUMERDER
    BCE n° 0537.243.408
    Avenue du Roi, 206 à 1190 Bruxelles
  5. Madame Laurence HENIN
    BCE n° 0816.435.241
    Avenue du Roi, 206 à 1190 Bruxelles
  6. Monsieur David WALSH
    BCE n° 0836.152.074
    Avenue du Roi, 206 à 1190 Bruxelles

Your personal data will be processed solely to defend your interests and for the optimal management of your file, within the limits of what is necessary for the execution of the service contract to which the lawyer and his/her client are parties. For this purpose, these data can potentially be transmitted to internal and/or external collaborating lawyers. After closure, the file will be kept for 5 years, as required by Article 2276 bis of the Belgian Civil Code. Your data is also likely to be processed for accounting and tax purposes, to meet the legal obligations to which each lawyer is subject.

Each lawyer has a legitimate interest in keeping your contact information (name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.) after closing the file for the eventuality of future communications. However, you have the right to object to the retention of your details 5 years after the closure of your file and to request their deletion.

In any event, you have the right to obtain a copy of your personal data and to request any information regarding the processing of your data and the rights you have. You also have the right to obtain, free of charge, the rectification of any data that you may find inaccurate. Finally, you have the right to request that your personal data be transmitted to another controller. These requests can be sent by post (avenue du Roi, 206, 1190 Brussels), by fax (02/543.08.78) or by e-mail (depending on the lawyer concerned, see e-mail addresses given above).

Any natural person has the right to lodge a complaint concerning his/her personal data with the Data Protection Authority (the Belgian authority responsible for the protection of personal data - or any other competent supervisory authority under the GDPR.